Last updated

Get started with Kustom

This guide provides instructions for integrating Kustom Checkout (KCO) directly into your e-commerce platform. It's estimated to take about 20 minutes. If using a platform like Magento, WooCommerce, or others, consider using available plugins or contacting your platform provider.

A live example is available on the demo store.

About the guide

This guide details a direct KCO integration.

Get access to a test account

To be able to use the playground environment to access the Kustom Checkout API please follow this guide to complete the onboarding.

How it works

The integration uses four main steps:

  • Create order: An API call to create the order, returning an HTML snippet for rendering the KCO checkout iframe.
  • Render Checkout snippet: The merchant renders the KCO iframe on their website.
  • Read order: After the user completes the checkout process, the merchant performs an API call to read the order, receiving an HTML snippet for order confirmation.
  • Render confirmation snippet: The merchant renders the confirmation snippet on their confirmation page.

For server-side integrations only, use the Hosted Checkout Page. For mobile app integrations, see the In-App SDK.


This integration requires:

  • A website to embed the KCO snippet
  • A backend server to make HTTP requests to KCO

You'll need merchant credentials (Merchant ID and shared secret) to make API calls. Instructions for creating these are available on the test environment page. A step-by-step video is also available.

Help and support

For integration support, visit the support page.