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Checkout Customization

This document details how to customize Kustom Checkout (KCO) to match your e-store's visual design and buying experience.

How it's done


You can customize the colors of certain elements in the checkout to match your store's branding. These colors are set as options in the API when loading the checkout.

Available elements for customization:

  • options.color_button
  • options.color_button_text
  • options.color_checkbox
  • options.color_checkbox_checkmark
  • options.color_header
  • options.color_link
  • options.radius_border

Example: Setting the button color to red:

$orderData['options']['color_button'] = "#ff0000";

Note: Only hexadecimal values are allowed. The default color scheme is used if no customization values are set. Color settings also affect the settlement application.

Shipping information note

You can add a short shipping message (up to 70 characters) to display on the order confirmation page under the "Delivery" headline. This is set when creating or updating an order:

  "options": {
    "shipping_details": "Delivered within 1-3 days"

Displaying VAT

Hide the VAT in the order summary by using the options.vat_removed property:

  // more order data...
  "options": {
    "vat_removed": true


Add custom checkboxes; more details are available here.