Last updated

Place order from customer token

This document describes how to place an order using a Kustom customer token.


If you want to charge a customer using a Kustom customer token, you must place an order as described below. The previously created Kustom customer token can be used to charge the customer at any time. This is done by creating an order using the customer token ID and the required order data. Order lines containing recurring subscription items require a subscription object. You can automatically capture the order by setting the auto_capture flag to true (default is false).


To place an order using a customer token, make a POST request to /customer-token/v1/tokens/{customerToken}/order with the following JSON data:

POST /customer-token/v1/tokens/{customerToken}/order
Authorization: Basic pwhcueUff0MmwLShJiBE9JHA==
Content-Type: application/json

    "merchant_reference1": "45aa52f387871e3a210645d4",
    "merchant_data": "optional string",
    "locale": "de-DE",
    "auto_capture": true,
    "purchase_currency": "EUR",
    "order_amount": 999,
    "order_tax_amount": 0,
    "order_lines": [
            "type": "digital",
            "subscription": {
                "name": " Premium Monthly {{1234834}}",
                "interval": "MONTH",
                "interval_count": 1
            "reference": "19-402",
            "name": "Streaming Service Monthly - Free Trial",
            "quantity": 1,
            "unit_price": 999,
            "tax_rate": 0,
            "total_amount": 999,
            "total_discount_amount": 0,
            "total_tax_amount": 0

Important Note: Use the correct token ID to ensure the correct consumer is billed.


Success Response

A successful order placement will return a JSON response like this:

    "order_id": "a89ec121-1276-419d-882a-c343d58fd1bc",
    "fraud_status": "ACCEPTED"

Error Response

Error responses include an error code, error messages, and a correlation ID for troubleshooting. Possible error codes are listed in the table below:

Error CodeHTTP Status CodeComment
TOKEN_NOT_FOUND404Customer token not found.
TOKEN_SUSPENDED403Token suspended by Klarna.
TOKEN_CANCELLED403Token cancelled.
TOKEN_FORBIDDEN403Forbidden token usage.
UNAVAILABLE_PAYMENT_METHOD403Payment method unavailable.
PAYMENT_METHOD_CURRENCY_MISMATCH403Payment method not available for the order currency.
PAYMENT_METHOD_FAILED403Payment method failed.
BAD_REQUEST400Bad request.
INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR500Internal server error.
SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE503Klarna service unavailable.

This table is intended to be a partial list of possible errors.