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Recurring / Tokenization

Kustom Checkout (KCO) recurring payments simplify subscription and on-demand charging processes. This functionality allows merchants to sell subscriptions easily, similar to standard KCO purchases. A unique token is generated with the initial purchase. This token is used for subsequent recurring orders via the Kustom Customer Token API.

This feature requires enabling in the Kustom account; contact Kustom merchant support for setup.

How it's done

To implement recurring payments, add the recurring field (and optionally recurring_description) to the create order API call. The example below demonstrates this:

Accept: application/json
Authorization: Basic a2xhcm5hOnVuaWNvcm5z
Content-Type: application/json

  "recurring": true,
  "recurring_description": "12 month subscription"     // optional field
  • If recurring is set to true, financing payment methods are not available.

Add subscription details to the order

Recurring subscription order lines require a subscription object. This allows Kustom to make better underwriting decisions and provide more appropriate payment options for the consumer. See the linked documentation for more details on this object.

Link to subscription details

Consumer completes the purchase

After the purchase, the KCO order contains a recurring_token. This token must be stored and used by the merchant ID that created it, for subsequent recurring orders via the Kustom Customer Token API.

Creating the recurring order

Utilize the Kustom Customer Token API to create recurring orders using the stored token.

Fallback for recurring order

If the payment method associated with the token cannot be captured (response 403, PAYMENT_METHOD_FAILED), retry at a later time. If unsuccessful, inform the customer of the need to update their payment method to continue their subscription.