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Selling to multiple countries

How to setup your store for multiple markets and currencies.


Kustom checkout is available in 229 countries, with over 10 considered Kustom core countries. A core country supports Kustom Credit, local non-risk payment methods, and card options. A country must also have a local currency to be considered a core country.

Current Kustom core countries and their respective currencies are:

CountryPurchase CountryCurrency
Great BritainGBGBP
United StatesUSUSD

Kustom does not support currency conversion.

How it’s done

To enable sales in multiple countries, configure:

  • Allowed shipping/billing countries in the Order Create API.
  • Implement specific integration using client events and/or server-side callbacks. Refer to the documentation on handling country changes for more details.

Consider which currencies to offer through KCO to enhance conversion rates by providing local payment options. Always ensure order management is configured in the same currency as the Kustom order management API.


Kustom Checkout is not available in all countries due to region restrictions. Shipping and billing countries must be on a whitelist.

Region Restrictions

A list of currently supported countries is provided.

Further Restrictions

Individual merchants may have additional billing/shipping country restrictions. Kustom may restrict further based on risk assessment, such as:

  • Orders that could violate EU sanctions
  • Orders that may indicate corruption, money laundering, or fraud
  • Orders violating EU legislation


Integration approaches depend on store setup:

One URL per market

If using a separate URL for each market (e.g.,, recommend:

  • Allow only one shipping country per checkout order.
  • Use the address_update callback to maintain shipping method and price updates.
  • Set purchase_country to the target market (e.g., GB for

One URL covering all markets

If using a single URL for all markets (e.g.,, recommend:

  • Allow customers to change shipping countries by enabling all supported shipping countries in the checkout order.
  • Use the address_update callback to keep shipping options current.
  • Mandatorily use the country_change callback, updating language (matching billing country if available), and currency (local or alternative) in response to the callback.
  • Set purchase_country to a best guess of the customer's location.

Account configuration

Configure your account with specific country/currency combinations to support orders. Contact your account manager or Kustom support to add these to your contract.