Refund and extend orders
Here you find details of the calls that enable you to refund and extend your orders. For each call, you can find a description, technical details, and sample requests and responses.
Refund an order
Use the Order management API to refund the items on a captured order. When your customers return items, use this API call to credit the amount back to them.
The following diagram depicts how this API call works:
If you want to learn how to correctly allocate refunds when delivering in multiple shipments, see the Refund allocation section.
Refund a captured order amount
To refund an order amount, send a POST request to the /ordermanagement/v1/orders/{order_id}/refunds
: Guarantees idempotency (unique key, recommended UUID v4). Retries are safe for network errors, etc.
(required): Total order amount to be refunded (must be less than or equal to the captured amount).reference
(optional): Internal refund reference.description
(optional): Description of the refund for the customer.order_lines
(optional): Details associated with the refund.
"refunded_amount": 100000000,
"reference": "9dfcd4b6-9428-4835-ad93-3720ea808608",
"description": "Description of the refund shown to the customer",
"order_lines": [
"image_url": "https://yourstore.example/product/headphones.png",
"merchant_data": "Some metadata",
"name": "string",
"product_identifiers": {
"brand": "Intel",
"category_path": "Electronics Store > Computers & Tablets > Desktops",
"color": "Denim blue",
"global_trade_item_number": "735858293167",
"manufacturer_part_number": "BOXNUC5CPYH",
"size": "4"
"product_url": "https://yourstore.example/product/headphones",
"quantity": 1,
"quantity_unit": "pcs.",
"reference": "75001",
"subscription": {
"interval": "MONTH",
"interval_count": 1,
"name": "string"
"tax_rate": 0,
"total_amount": 100000000,
"total_discount_amount": 0,
"total_tax_amount": 100000000,
"type": "physical",
"unit_price": 100000000
Success Response: 201 Created
, including refund_id
and location
Error Response: Error code and message, along with correlation_id
for troubleshooting.
Refund with return fees
This API call refunds with fees for customer returns. Applicable for orders in Austria 🇦🇹, Germany 🇩🇪, Denmark 🇩🇰, Finland 🇫🇮, France 🇫🇷, Netherlands 🇳🇱, Norway 🇳🇴, and Sweden 🇸🇪. The order must be a single, fully captured order.
- Fully captured order (single capture).
- Total order lines amount must equal the refunded amount.
Body (additional parameter):
: Include a new order line withtype: return_fee
to represent the return fee.
"refunded_amount": 9500,
"reference": "1786c73b-a2be-4d42-a9f7-ff1c4bca5ccc",
"description": "Description of the refund shown to the customer",
"order_lines": [
"name": "T-Shirt",
"type": "physical",
"quantity": 1,
"unit_price": 10000,
"total_amount": 10000
"name": "Return fee",
"type": "return_fee",
"quantity": 1,
"unit_price": -500,
"total_amount": -500
Success Response: 201 Created
, including refund_id
and location
Error Response: Error code and message, with correlation_id
for troubleshooting.
Extend order authorization
Extends an order's authorization date to give you more time for capturing and fulfilling the order. Extends by adding the account's expiry duration. Maximum extension is 180 days after the order creation date.
- Send a POST request to
. - No request body required.
Success Response: 204 No Content
Error Response: Error code and message, with correlation_id
and order_id
for troubleshooting.
Release order authorization
Releases the authorization of an order if you don't intend to capture the full amount.
- Send a POST request to
. - No request body required.
Success Response: 204 No Content
Error Response: Error code and message, with correlation_id
and order_id
for troubleshooting.
Extend payment date
Extends an order's payment due date for pay-later methods.
Step 1: Get available extension options:
- Send a GET request to
. - Response includes
for extension options.
Step 2: Extend due date:
- Send a PATCH request to
. - Request body includes the
for the chosen option.
Success Responses:
- Step 1: Response body with
. - Step 2:
204 No Content
Error Responses: Error code and message, with correlation_id
and order_id
for troubleshooting.