View and Change Orders
Learn about the details of the calls that let you view and edit your orders.
For each call, you can find a description, technical details, and sample requests and responses.
Check the Details of an Order
Use the Order Management API to check the details of an order.
Retrieve Order Details
To check the order details, send a GET
request to the following endpoint:
Path Parameter:
: The identifier received in a successful response when placing a new order.
Success Response:
"order_id": "7849fd84-47dc-4919-a7ce-xxxxxxxxxx",
"status": "CAPTURED",
"fraud_status": "ACCEPTED",
"order_amount": 200,
"original_order_amount": 200,
"captured_amount": 200,
"refunded_amount": 0,
"remaining_authorized_amount": 0,
"purchase_currency": "PLN"
Error Response:
"error_code": "INVALID_ORDER_ID",
"error_messages": ["Order ID must be a valid UUID."],
"correlation_id": "dd482985-2e0f-415d-9f30-74ce93e7e68e"
Update Order Amount
Use the Order Management API to update the total amount of an order before it is captured, canceled, or expired.
Update Order Amount
Send a PATCH
request to:
Request Body:
"order_amount": 6000,
"description": "",
"order_lines": [
"type": "physical",
"reference": "123050",
"name": "Tomatoes",
"quantity": 10,
"quantity_unit": "kg"
Error Response:
"error_code": "NOT_ALLOWED",
"error_messages": ["Update not allowed."],
"correlation_id": "a3183112-74bc-44ac-9453-51af2577d717"
Update Merchant References
Use this API to update the merchant order ID.
Update Merchant References
Send a PATCH
request to:
Request Body:
"merchant_reference1": "15632423",
"merchant_reference2": "special order"
Error Response:
"error_code": "NO_SUCH_ORDER",
"error_messages": [
"Order cannot be found. Merchant references cannot be updated."
"correlation_id": "17c50e6c-c79d-4174-9369-4b58bca2d2ab"
Update Customer Address
Use the Kustom Order Management API to update your customer's shipping address.
Update Shipping Address
Send a PATCH
request to:
Request Body:
"shipping_address": {
"street_address": "123 Fake St",
"postal_code": "12345",
"city": "New York",
"region": "NY",
"country": "US"
Error Response:
"error_code": "NOT_ALLOWED",
"error_messages": [
"Billing address cannot be updated for user account order. Customer details cannot be updated."
"correlation_id": "b1fbf280-ea6e-4aee-a6ea-58b4b458ef47"
Add Shipping Information to an Order
Use this API to add shipping details to an order for tracking.
Add Shipping Information
Send a POST
request to:
Request Body:
"shipping_info": [
"return_shipping_company": "DHL US",
"return_tracking_number": "93456415674545679888",
"return_tracking_uri": "http://shipping.example/findmypackage?93456415674545679888",
"shipping_company": "DHL US",
"shipping_method": "Home",
"tracking_number": "63456415674545679874",
"tracking_uri": "http://shipping.example/findmypackage?63456415674545679874"
Error Response:
"error_code": "NO_SUCH_ORDER",
"error_messages": [
"Order 7849fd84-47dc-4919-a7ce-47b9f46156f cannot be found. Shipping info cannot be added to order."
"correlation_id": "f072554f-ef99-4b21-85da-633355aab998"
Cancel an Order
Use the Order Management API to cancel an uncaptured order.
Cancel Order
Send a POST
request to:
Error Response:
"error_code": "CANCEL_NOT_ALLOWED",
"error_messages": ["Order has previous captures. Cancel not possible."],
"correlation_id": "95ccbcb1-8963-4569-b721-1a354"
Acknowledge Kustom Checkout Orders
Use the Order Management API to acknowledge Kustom Checkout orders.
Acknowledge Order
Send a POST
request to:
Error Response:
"error_code": "NO_SUCH_ORDER",
"error_messages": ["Order cannot be found. Acknowledgement not possible."],
"correlation_id": "c56002ca-81ee-436a-b213-093e5afe75d3"
Ready to send these requests? See the API reference for further details.