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Payments with Billie

You can integrate Billie with Klarna if you’re using Klarna payments or Klarna checkout.


Billie is the leading provider of Buy Now, Pay Later (BNPL) payment methods for business customers and offers innovative digital payment services for B2B companies. You can easily enable Billie through your existing Klarna integration. Your business customers enjoy payment by invoice with flexible payment terms, while you get paid upfront with zero default risk.

Supported solutions

Klarna payments

To start using Billie’s payment methods in your Klarna payments solution, integrate Billie either using the Klarna payments API or through Computop.

For more details and integration guides for both methods, refer to Billie Docs:

Klarna checkout

Billie is available as part of your B2B (Business to Business) flow with Klarna checkout. Learn how to enable Billie in Klarna checkout, in this article about B2B payments in Klarna checkout documentation.

Partnership details

Implementing Billie with Klarna gives you a carefree implementation process, it also offers you transparent pricing and countless additional features to get the most out of your money management.

Market availabilityDE, SE, AT, NL, FR, NO, GB
Payment solutionsKlarna Payments, Klarna Checkout
Klarna payment methodsPay Later (30 days)
Partial and full captureYES
Partial and full refundYES
Order cancelYES
Update orderYES, supports less amount, same or increase amount
Update billing or shipping addressNO
Extend authorization timeYES
Trigger resend of customer communicationNO
Add shipping info to a captureNO
Release remaining authorizationYES
Recreate cancelled/expired orderNO
Crossborder supportYES