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This section discusses the KCO JavaScript API from an analytics perspective. It details how to send events emitted by KCO during the purchase funnel to your analytics tool (in this case, Google Analytics) to visualize the user journey.


This guide assumes familiarity with the KCO JavaScript API. If not, refer to the KCO JavaScript API documentation.

What do the events mean from an analytics point of view?

loadKCO iframe loaded successfully
user_interactedUser interacted with the KCO iframe
customerOrganization type (B2B or Person) changed
changePostal code, country, or email changed
billing_address_changeBilling address submitted
shipping_address_changeShipping address submitted
shipping_option_changeUser selected a new shipping option
order_total_changeCart changes from the merchant
checkbox_changeCheckbox checked/unchecked
network_errorNetwork issue detected
redirect_initiatedUser redirected to confirmation page
load_confirmationConfirmation iframe loaded successfully


  • Events marked with a * are also triggered on load to provide default data.
  • Events marked with a ** are also triggered on load if the user pre-fills the fields to provide default data.

How to integrate KCO’s events with Google Analytics (GA)

The following example demonstrates listening to KCO events and sending them to Google Analytics using the gtag.js API.

window._klarnaCheckout(function(api) {
    // register listeners to KCO's events
        // listening to the load event
        'load': function(data) {
            // sending the load event to GA
            gtag('event', 'KCO_load', {
                // adding data from KCO

This code:

  1. Uses window._klarnaCheckout to obtain the API.
  2. Registers event listeners using api.on.
  3. Sends the load event to GA using gtag.
  4. Includes the data from KCO in the GA event.

A more robust approach uses a function to handle multiple events:

const kcoEventsSubscriber = (eventName, data) => {
    gtag('event', `KCO_${eventName}`, {,

window._klarnaCheckout(function(api) {
        'load': (data) => kcoEventsSubscriber('load', data),
        'user_interacted': (data) => kcoEventsSubscriber('user_interacted', data),
        // ... other events

Example of using the events from GA’s dashboard

A funnel analysis example in Google Analytics is illustrated, showing how to track user progress through the purchase journey using KCO events.

Analytics funnel example

This example uses the "Funnel analysis" dashboard in Google Analytics, with the following KCO events: load, user_interacted, billing_address_change, shipping_address_change, and redirect_initiated.

(Note): This data is automatically generated and might not perfectly reflect real-world user interactions.

Use this information to build your own GA dashboards to better understand user behavior.