KCO iOS migration guide
This document provides a guide for migrating to the new Klarna Checkout (KCO) iOS implementation, which is now integrated into the Klarna Mobile SDK.
Getting started
Klarna Checkout SDK was previously a standalone library, but is now part of the Klarna Mobile SDK.
The new KCO can be integrated in mobile projects in the following ways:
Integration | Old Implementation | New Implementation |
Cocoapods | pod 'KlarnaCheckoutSDK' | pod 'KlarnaMobileSDK' |
Swift Package Manager | https://github.com/klarna/kco-mobile-sdk | https://github.com/klarna/klarna-mobile-sdk-spm |
Carthage | binary "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/klarna/kco-mobile-sdk/master/KlarnaCheckoutSDK.json" | binary "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/klarna/klarna-mobile-sdk/master/KlarnaMobileSDK.json" |
SDK Initialization Steps
Previously, initialization used the KCOKlarnaCheckout
class. Now, use KlarnaCheckoutView
Objective-C (Previous)
// Previous implementation
self.checkout = [[KCOKlarnaCheckout alloc] initWithViewController:self redirectURI:<YOUR-URL>];
checkout.snippet = @"\<div id='klarna-checkout-container'\>...\</script\>\<div\>";
Swift (New)
// New implementation
self.checkout = KlarnaCheckoutView(returnURL: <YOUR-URL>, eventHandler: <YOUR-KlarnaEventHandler>)
checkout.setSnippet("\<div id='klarna-checkout-container'\>...\</script\>\<div\>")
Full Screen Mode (Not available)
The fullscreen mode is no longer supported. Use the embedded mode instead.
Embedded Mode
Using a checkout view
Use KlarnaCheckoutView
to embed the KCO view in your native checkout flow.
Swift (New)
// New implementation
self.checkout = KlarnaCheckoutView(returnURL: <YOUR-URL>, eventHandler: <YOUR-KlarnaEventHandler>)
You must now manage scrolling and view resizing yourself.
Objective-C (Previous)
// Previous implementation
viewController.internalScrollDisabled = YES;
viewController.sizingDelegate = self;
viewController.parentScrollView = self.scrollView;
Swift (New) - Resizing
// New implementation
func klarnaComponent(_ klarnaComponent: KlarnaComponent, resizedToHeight height: CGFloat) {
// Handle the new height value to resize the native view
Event listeners
The new KCO implementation uses an eventHandler
instead of notifications.
Objective-C (Previous)
// Previous implementation
- (void)handleNotification:(NSNotification *)notification { ... }
Swift (New)
// New implementation
func klarnaComponent(_ klarnaComponent: KlarnaComponent, dispatchedEvent event: KlarnaProductEvent) { ... }
func klarnaComponent(_ klarnaComponent: KlarnaComponent, encounteredError error: KlarnaError) { ... }
Suspend and resume
The suspend/resume methods remain mostly the same.
Swift (New)
// New implementation
Handling External Payment Methods & Handling Validation Errors
Use the checkoutOptions
Swift (New)
// New implementation
self.checkout.checkoutOptions.merchantHandlesEPM = true
self.checkout.checkoutOptions.merchantHandlesValidationErrors = true