Last updated

Mobile overview

This document provides an overview of the Kustom Checkout Mobile SDK. It allows merchants to integrate Klarna's products into their iOS and Android applications, providing a seamless mobile purchase experience.

Kustom is still relying on Klarna's Mobile SDK integration and will be split out from Klarna soon.

For now we recommend holding off integrating the SDK and awaiting further information.

What is it?

The Mobile SDK enables native integration of Kustom and KlarnaCheckoutSDK products into apps, allowing customers to pay with Klarna.

How does it work?

Klarna's integrations are unified within a single library for iOS and Android. This simplifies integration by requiring only one artifact for all Klarna offerings, including Klarna Checkout.

There are two integration methods:

Native approach

For fully native apps, integration is achieved in three steps:

  1. Fetch a Kustom Checkout HTML snippet from your web server.
  2. Set the snippet and display the Klarna Checkout view.
  3. Establish a callback to handle SDK events.

Detailed guides are available for:

Hybrid approach

For apps rendering Kustom content in a web view, the SDK integrates with your web view and reacts to navigation events:

  1. Initialize the SDK with your web view.
  2. Present your web page.
  3. Notify the SDK about web view events.
  4. Establish a callback to handle SDK events.