Android integration
This page provides instructions for integrating Kustom Checkout into an Android application.
Adding Kustom Checkout to your application involves adding a view and performing a few operations. This guide explains how to:
- Create and add a Kustom Checkout view to your app
- Initialize the view with a Kustom Checkout snippet value
- Use available APIs for Kustom Checkout
- Handle events and errors
The mobile SDK presents the Kustom Checkout view, requiring you to fetch a Checkout HTML snippet from your web server, and set the snippet on the view. The guide assumes this setup is already completed at an API endpoint (<YOUR-URL>
). If needed, refer to the general Kustom Checkout integration guide for details.
Adding Kustom Checkout to your app
The Checkout View in Android is KlarnaCheckoutView
. You can initialize it in your activity using XML or programmatically.
Using XML
Programmatic initialization
val checkoutView: KlarnaCheckoutView = findViewById(
checkoutView.eventHandler = myEventHandler
Creating the View from code
val checkoutView = KlarnaCheckoutView(
activity = this,
returnURL =”test://”,
eventHandler = myEventHandler,
environment = KlarnaEnvironment.PRODUCTION,
region = KlarnaRegion.EU,
theme = KlarnaTheme.LIGHT
Initialize SDK with the Checkout snippet
Initialize Kustom Checkout by providing a Checkout HTML snippet from <YOUR-URL>
Configure event handler
checkoutView.eventHandler = object : KlarnaEventHandler {
override fun onEvent(klarnaComponent: KlarnaComponent, event: KlarnaProductEvent) {
if (event.action == "complete") {
try {
val confirmationURL = event.params["uri"]
} catch (e: JSONException) {
Log.e(TAG, e.message, e)
override fun onError(klarnaComponent: KlarnaComponent, error: KlarnaMobileSDKError) {
Log.e(TAG, "Received error: ${}. Message: ${error.message}")
Handling External Payment Methods
override fun onEvent(klarnaComponent: KlarnaComponent, event: KlarnaProductEvent) {
if (event.action == "external") {
val externalPaymentUrl = event.params["uri"]
Handling Validation Errors
override fun onEvent(klarnaComponent: KlarnaComponent, event: KlarnaProductEvent) {
if (event.action == "validation_error") {
val errorType = event.params["error_type"]
val errorText = event.params["error_text"]
handleValidationError(errorType, errorText)
Return URL
Some payment methods require authorization through third-party applications, which will return to your application upon completion. You must provide a return URL for this process. No special handlers are required on application load; the user will be returned to your app by the third-party application.